Electrical Installations


Initial and Periodic Inspection of Electrical Installation

For the purpose of conformity assessment of electrical installations, ERGOCERT HELLAS SA carries out initial and periodic inspections of any type of electrical installation in accordance with the ELOT HD 384 standard (specifying the data and requirements for proper installing and operation of electrical installations) and the relevant legislation (M.D. F.7.5/1816/88 (Government Gazette 470/B/5.3.2004)).

The initial inspection of an electrical installation must be conducted before its first electrification or following any significant modification thereto. The re-inspection of electrical installations is mandatory and must be conducted periodically, at intervals depending on the type of business activity that takes place in the facility to be inspected (residential, commercial premises, public gathering places, etc.).

The electrical installation is inspected by approved inspectors with specialized equipment. The control steps are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ELOT HD 384 and ELOT 60364 Standards, and the requirements of Government Gazette 4654/B/2021, as is currently in force.

The performance of initial inspections and periodic re-inspections is mandatory as of March 1, 2006 according to Government Gazette 470/B/2004 and Government Gazette 4654/B/2021, as are currently in force.