Photovoltaic Systems

Initial And Periodic Inspection of Photovoltaic Systems
ELOT ΕΝ 62446-1+Α1, ELOT HD 60364-4-41,43,44,
ELOT HD 60364-5-51,52,53,54,55, ELOT HD 60364-6
It refers to an initial, periodic, short notice inspection or any other type of inspection (visual inspection, functional inspection, measurement tests, review of the design and the technical documents, etc.) to assess the compliance of the installation of Photovoltaic System interconnected to the electricity network in accordance with the relevant Standards.
Ergocert Services
Inspection – Certification / CE Marking
- Pressure equipment
- Natural gas Network (High, Medium, Low pressure)
- Welding
- Natural Gas Station
- Fuel and Energy Supply Stations
- Vehicle Repair Workshop
- Lifting Equipment
- Lifts
- Escalators/ Moving Walkways
- External & Internal Playgrounds / Basketball Equipment
- Electrical Installations
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Liquid Fuel Tanks